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Friends of Dills
4267 Wellington Drive
Cincinnati Ohio 45245

Who is Joe Dills
Joe Dills grew up in Clermont County practicing soccer at Veterans Memorial Park and shopping for back-to-school clothes at Eastgate Mall. Joe grew up in a family that knew the value of a dollar. Growing up with a single hard-workingmom, she taught him the meaning of hard work and dedication. Joe is currently in the Air Force Reserves and knows firsthand what “service before self” means.

Joe currently works for a local business, so he understands what our government can do to spur economic development. As someone who has started several businesses – some of which were successful and some not - Joe knows what it takes to create jobs.
Joe and his wife Nikea are raising their three children - Sydni, Selah and Gunner - in Union Township.
This community has provided Joe with boundless opportunity, and as a husband and father raising a young family in Union Township, nothing is more important to him than ensuring our community prospers and grows.

Joe played several years of minor league professional soccer as a goalkeeper. He also played for the All Air Force soccer team, winning the gold medal against Army in the finals!

He has competed in four Tough Mudders, which is a twelve-mile run filled with muddy obstacles. He and Nikea plan on running one together next year.

Joe now enjoys going to the gym, reading, traveling, riding his Harley and playing co-ed sand volleyball with his wife and friends.

Joe is a proud veteran of the United States Air Force, serving in both active duty and the reserves. He currently serves in the Reserves at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton.

Joe and Nikea are blessed in their marriage. Nikea is the Praise & Worship Music Pastor at their church and also works in finance. You will see her singing at many local community events and driving her kids around to all their many activities. They have 3 amazing children who are each unique in their own way. Sydni is 11 years old and has an incredible gift for the arts. She has such a huge heart to help people and would be happy spending her day in a room full of animals. Their 6-year-old, Selah, is full of energy and has a very outgoing personality. Selah is an extremely talented gymnast and you will find her flipping and dancing at all hours of the day. Gunner is a spunky 3-year-old who is learning his way around in this world. He loves music and running around with a ball in his hands. He adores his older sisters and knows they would do anything and everything for him.
I am a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order. Joe’s faith tells him that our rights come from God and that those rights belong to everyone, including the unborn. He is a conservative because he believes the success of the American people lies within each one of us, not within the government. As a Republican, Joe is committed to the ideals of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.
Communication and Transparency
This campaign isn’t about me: it’s about us. I want to be open and available to listen to your thoughts and concerns regarding any township business. I will work to avoid another Miller Development situation where unpopular policies are forced on communities who don’t want them.
Business Friendly
As I speak with residents, I keep hearing the same things: business owners are faced with poor communication and an unfriendly environment created by our current leaders. We need to carefully consider zoning decisions so that we can grow our local economy while maintaining the suburban feel of our community. I will work to create a friendly business environment that helps everyone – not just a select few.
Fiscal Responsibility
Residents are suffering under higher and higher taxes, despite being surrounded by development projects. I promise to manage our budget wisely, just like you do at home. Tax increases should always be a last resort.